
Are we a good fit?

Thank you for taking time to learn a little about me before giving me a chance to learn a little about you.

As an observant, open-minded, and dedicated individual that cares about your personal growth, I am here to assist you the best way I can. I can help you observe the world as it happens while being able to shift the perception of its impact. Why? How? Glad you asked!

I keep an open mind and am willing to see things through new perspectives. I take one of my greatest strengths, being detail-oriented, to see the smaller pieces of the big picture to see what needs to be done to change the perception of your reality. Perception is what you see and how you interpret what is happening.

As your Personal Growth Coach, I help build your confidence in your abilities while attaining emotional stability. The best way to coach is by being honest. My intent will always be vested in the well-being of my client, but never so much so that I cut corners and sacrifice the truth. Besides, how can we grow if we do not have anyone in our corner willing to tell us the truth even when it hurts? As your Personal Growth Coach, I will be an attentive and ACTIVE listener. I want to hear everything you have to say because those very words allow me to craft the plan to help you achieve your goal. 

What I Need To Know

We have 20 minutes to chat during our Discovery Meeting, so efficiency is key! What are you looking to achieve? What are you expecting from our partnership? Will we be discussing career advancement or personal growth? The more I know about you the better!

Tell me a bit about yourself!