Ready for more?

Life is meant to be lived and experienced through the realizations of our hopes and dreams. Now, tell me – are you living that life right now? If not, let’s get to work on it! No more procrastinating. No more what ifs. No more putting it off until everything is just perfect. You NEED to start today! Your happiness is depending on it.

Choose yourself and make the commitment to work with me as your Personal Growth coach. Go ahead and schedule our virtual 20-minute "discovery" meeting! This will give us the opportunity to discuss your goal(s) and what I offer as a coach.

So, what are you waiting for?

Learn about me before I learn about you!

I have learned that life experiences revolve around one lesson... how resilient can you be? There have been plenty of opportunities that tested my resilience. Being raised by a single mother with four children. The emptiness I felt from the non-existent relationship I had with my dad (I knew him, I just did not talk to him). Constant changes in my undergraduate major. Getting married and starting my family at the tender age of 21. And let's sprinkle a few health scares on top just for good measure.

Now, this is not to say I've had a horrible life because I have not. Not even close! However, these experiences taught me how impactful relationships can be to your mental health and your overall emotional state. It taught me how to find your purpose when you feel overwhelmed, powerless, and unworthy. After changing my perspective on how I viewed what happened "to" me, my life changed.

I was able to establish the best relationship ever with my father. I developed strength, tenacity, and grit by watching the way my mom sacrificed (more than my brothers and I will ever know) to make sure I was respectful and educated. I received my bachelor's degree from Winston-Salem State University and continued my education to receive my master's in business administration.

While working towards my graduate degree, studying Entrepreneurship is where I tapped into my purpose. I found my love for helping others create and achieve their ideal "business plan" for happiness. Whether it be in their corporate career, starting their own business, or helping wives in their marriages - I knew I wanted to help my community. I am still learning how to jump the hurdles of life rather than letting them trip me up. All this to say everyone needs someone, whether with personal or business relationships.

I would love to share some of the knowledge I've gained along the way with you, so let's connect.